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July 2024

July 2024

Chicken Bar-B-Q — July 20, 2024 

It’s time for the ONE, the ONLY, the ORIGINAL Chicken Bar-B-Q. 

Come enjoy the not-so-secret recipe! 

You know there’s nothing finer than KINGWOOD CHICKEN!!! 

Mark your calendars for July 20, 2024 at the Kingwood Fellowship Center from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

Dinners include:  1/2 Chicken, Rolls, Baked Beans, Tossed Salad, Chips, Pickles, Cookies and a Drink. 

For Tickets—please call:
Gerald Dumbauld – 814-926-3259
Carey Beth King – 814-233-0053
Cary Phillippi – 814-233-8096

Tickets are $12.00.

We hope to see you there!  You won’t want to miss this one!



Church Mouse


JUNE.  June already?!?!?! Wow time is sure flying.

PW & Beth took a few days and went to the 100th reunion of their college marching band. I didn’t realize that they were that old.  (Haha). I stowed away in PWs vehicle and got a ride to camp Sonrise Mountain during Senior high week on June 12th. I got to see the kiddos putting together meals. But not just a few.  They put together 10,152 meals to be precise. And they did it in a few hours in the afternoon.  Ask Tim Ogline or Giana Rosman, or Chloe Weaver or Levi King about the experience.

I also stowed away on the 19th to check out Jr.

High camp. And am hoping to catch a ride on the 26th to check out Intermediate camp.

The Summer Youth Café has begun again.  It is on Tuesdays and Fridays from 11am – 12 noon.  The program will run through August 16th and provides meals to youth in the area.  It helps to supplement the loss of the meals they would normally have at the school. If you would like to help in this worthy ministry of the church, please let Karey Vough know.

As I write this, I am looking forward to the Super Seniors Strawberry social.  It is always a great time with wonderful fellowship. The crumbs available to a little mousey are also a great benefit.

I am also planning on stowing away and sneaking over to Laurel Hill State Park for the annual picnic with the New Centerville church.  I haven’t seen any of my cousins from that church at the picnic.  I am hoping that they haven’t been done away with by the folks in New Centerville.

PW & Beth had visitors from out of state on the 20 – 22. Their middle son and his wife and three kids came for a visit.  And then on Saturday some of the family that haven’t met the youngest of the three grandkids came on Saturday for a big lunch and to meet the little lady.

The school year has come to a close and the graduates were recognized and dedicated to be sent out into the world. Youth Sunday was a very meaningful day where we got a little info from the graduates about what is next for them and how their church family can pray for them in the next year.  Then the parents were called to the front to be with their graduates and PW prayed over them.  Then the whole congregation read a blessing from Ephesians over them as they are being sent out to represent Jesus in all of their new endeavors.  Very Cool.

Well, I think that’s all the news from my little mousey hole for now.

Until next time.
As always yours,
The Church Mouse

Young Adult News

June was such a busy month with camp that July will seem very calm in comparison! We are continuing with Summer Youth Café at the Fellowship Center for the month of July.  This year has been a little different with our need to pick up the meals in Somerset at Cascio’s, but I’m thankful for all of the volunteers that are transporting food and setting up so we can give our best to families. If you didn’t know, there is a group of young adults who help to pack up the food at Cascio’s for every site that is a part of the program – there are several familiar Rockwood students working to pack this year! If you know of a family that wishes to participate in Summer Youth Café, please let me know and I’ll be happy to include them! A note that if you know someone who feels uncomfortable with accepting a “handout,” please remind them it is a judgement free program. There are no income guidelines because our county average income falls below the poverty line. (The average income for household in Somerset County is $57,357 and the poverty marker for a family of four is $60,000.) These meals are made available to ANY child 18 and under, no matter income and family situation – no judgement when they pull up, just smiling faces!

The youth have taken over the church sign! The high school Sunday school has now taken over the monthly change over of the sign in front of the church. The students are finding ways to use their own spin to make our sign a fun read for the community. The hope is the board will allow for discussion and the occasional chuckle. We would love to help engage the community more with this opportunity.

Friends, God is moving in our area. In so many little ways I am watching how God is working in and through his people. It is so important that we share these moments with each other and work toward the “wins” we find. Rarely do we live our lives in continual mountain top moments, but we share them when we do experience God so our brothers and sisters in the valley can be reminded of  God’s goodness. The One who promised is faithful and I hope and pray that if you are in a valley moment, you know the love and care that is surrounding you. I am hopeful your summer continues in a way where you can look back in September and be thankful for all you did.

Pastor Karey


July & August Birthdays

July 1        Arthur Brougher Jr., Mark Lucas
July 2        Cathy Schmuck, Dan Weaver
July 3        Dustin Gray, Keith Knepper
July 8        Angie Mitchell
July 9        Gianna Rosman, Randy Schartiger Jr.
July 13      Hillary Whaley
July 14      Coral Lee Kreger
July 15      Stacey Hay
July 18      Patricia Weaver
July 19      Amber Lemmon, Katie Snyder
July 21      Debbie Miller
July 22      Luella Pletcher
July 24      Landon Strelko
July 26      Elliot Pletcher
July 29      Owen Moore
July 30      James Meyers
July 31      Wyatt Pletcher
Aug 1         Emma Mauri
Aug 3        Kaitlyn King, Donald Miller
Aug 4        Myah Oakes, Chelsey Phillippi
Aug 9        Ben Phillippi, Carolyn Pletcher
Aug 10      Sara Meyers, Garrett Weaver
Aug 11      Macy Johnson
Aug 14      Timothy Show
Aug 15      Eugene Cameron, Cathy Phillippi, Brooks Vough
Aug 17      Amy Moore
Aug 20     Chloe Weaver
Aug 21      Jason Shipley
Aug 22      Gavin Gray, Carey Beth King
Aug 23      Wayne Pletcher, Caleb Vough
Aug 24      Sara Wetzel
Aug 25      Aidan Ream, Daniel Snyder
Aug 28      Greg King
Aug 29      Tanner Mitchell
Aug 31       Sue Stahl

July & August Anniversaries

July 11      Daniel & Katie Snyder
July 24      Vincent & Kerri Show, Todd & Renee’ Strelko, John & Trista Younkin
July 26      Tom & Kelly Mills
July 27      Greg & Carey Beth King
Aug 1        Stephen & Jess Walker
Aug 5        Tom & Shirley Brougher, Dan & Heather Ream
Aug 6        James & Barbara Snyder
Aug 23      Ken & Lori Cipra, Bill & Lolly Peirsel
Aug 27      Jason & Carissa Shipley
Aug 29      Matt & Laura Meyers
Aug 31      Allan & Sue Stahl, Jeff & Marchelle Peck, Rich & Debby Tannehill

Prayer Needs

National Revival
Our Country
Allegheny Region Churches, Pastors and Leaders             Pastor Will & Beth
Pastor Jim & Melanie
Pastor Karey & Jake
Those dealing with sickness
Violence in Haiti
Violence in our Nation
Families who have lost loved ones
Those dealing with mental, emotional, spiritual & financial issues
Those hospitalized & having procedures
Those dealing with long-term illnesses
Those in nursing homes and care facilities
Severe Weather Events
Chicken BBQ
School Year Ending
Teachers and Students
Graduating Students
Summer Sports
Safe Vacation Travel
Hospital Workers
Hospice Workers
Preparations for Mission Trips
Winebrenner Seminary
Brent & Julie Sleasman
Church Ministries
Camp Sonrise Mountain
Summer Camping Program
Church Camp Deans and Staff
Vacation Bible School
Chatelas Church
Our Missionaries
Our Global Mission Fields
Military / Police / First Responders
Unspoken Needs

Global Reach Updates

Thailand – Bryan and Katie arrived safely in the U.S.! Please pray for positive and joyful family time. Pray also for the churches they will be visiting while on deputation. Pray for new sponsors as well as excellent times of sharing their ministry in Thailand.

ACTS Teams 2024 – USA Southwest/Navajo team scheduled for July 9th-18th and Mexico team scheduled for July 18th-25th. Please pray for safety for all traveling and for excellent relationship building. Pray the teams are a blessing to those they are serving and pray that the churches are strengthened, encouraged, and mobilized for Christ’s service and powerful working. Pray lives will be touched and many seeds are planted.

Bangladesh – Pray against spiritual darkness and the forces that would hinder the Gospel message to be shared. Pray for the team that will be sharing Women’s Ministry. Pray for safe and blessed travel.

Haiti  –  Pray, pray, and pray some more…. 

Helping Hands
Helping Hands Prayer Needs for July

Lois Darr c/o Laurel View Village 2000 Cambridge Dr Davidsville, PA  15928
Faye Knepper c/o Laurel View Village 2000 Cambridge Dr Davidsville, PA  15928

ramblings & recipes

Well, isn’t it hot in Somerset County in June?  I’m old – not real old – but I don’t remember this heat in June.  Welcome July!

I’ve been trying to make recipes that I can keep in the refrigerator and enjoy a bowl of during the day!  Remember Broccoli-Cheese Salad, Macaroni Salad, Potato Salad, and Pasta Salad – maybe you have a favorite.  Get your husband (your child or you) to make something on the grill – saves using your stove or oven.  (Make the salads early in the morning when your house is cooler!)

Here’s a refreshing fruit salad – not diet friendly – have a small dish!

5 – Cup Fruit Salad

1 – 16 oz. Jar Maraschino Cherries
1 – 16 oz. Can Mandarin Oranges
1 – 20 oz. Can Pineapple Tidbits
1 ½ Cups Miniature Marshmallows
1 Cup Chopped Pecans
1 Cup Grated Coconut
1 Cup Sour Cream

Drain cherries, oranges & pineapple.  Place in a large bowl.  Add the marshmallows, pecans and coconut.  Stir a bit.  Add the sour cream, tossing until coated.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

You could change the items in this salad for things your family likes.  Leave something out – add banana, or apple.

Shrimp & Feta Pasta 

1 lb. Medium Bite Size Shrimp
1- 12 oz. Box Bow Tie Pasta
3 Large Carrots
1/2 Cup Finely Chopped Red Pepper
½ Cup Mayonnaise
½ Teaspoon Garlic Salt
½ Teaspoon Black Pepper (Coarse is nice)
½ Lemon – Juiced
1 – 4 oz. Container Crumbled Feta Cheese

You could use the ready cooked shrimp or cook the shrimp – if you cook the shrimp – don’t overcook.  Three minutes in boiling water would do the shrimp.  Remove from the heat and drain immediately.

Cook the pasta according to the box directions – drain well & cool.

Peel and slice the carrots – put the carrots in water and boil until just tender – 7 to 8 minutes.

In a large bowl, combine shrimp, pasta, carrots and red pepper.

In another bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, garlic salt, pepper and lemon juice – mix well and stir into the large bowl.  Add the Feta Cheese and toss.

Chill for several hours before serving.

Be ye kind to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:32 – KJV


June 10th, 2024

Devotions:   Pastor Will – God’s Heart for Multiplications and God’s Plan Multiplication.


Further discussion was held about a 1993 ruling by the church council that no sales would be held on the sanctuary floor of the church.  Nothing will be changing at this time.

By Law Updates – Meeting will be held on Tuesday June 11th 8:00am at Country Cottage


Camp Sunrise Mountain will be holding an envelope fund raiser.  A person can select an envelope with the amount of $ 1.00 to $ 100.00 written on it.  The amount on the envelope will serve as a donation amount.

Welcome Baskets were put together by Cheryl Pletcher, Jesse Moore, Jill Luster and Georgiann Knepper for 5 residents new to the area.

Kitchen help at camp –   Carrie Dix asked Cheryl Pletcher if it was possible for Kingwood Church could purchase 12 serving spoons and 4 standing dust pans with brooms, not to exceed the cost of $200.00.

Pastor Will asked the trustees if repairs could be made to the van.  Jon Pletcher said he will take care of it.  Additionally, some generators and assorted items need to be moved from 1 garage to another.

Floor Waxing – Jesse will contact Tim Albright about waxing  the floors at the fellowship center.

Heather Houghton’s Bangladesh trip has been moved up to July from November of this year.  Council voted to help her with the additional funding needed to make the trip happen because of there not being enough time to do fund raising.

Informational Items:  None

Fellowship Center Usage:


Walk Fit                  13                                                          Midweek       4
Council Mtg             1                                                          Pickleball       4
Flea Market             3                                                          Conference    2
Youth Football        2

Total:  29


Kingwood Church of God
119 Humbert Rd
Markleton, PA  15551




Church Staff

Will Miller, Senior Pastor
James Monticue, Visitation Pastor
Karey Vough, Youth/YA Pastor
Carey Beth King, Secretary
Church Website:
Church Phone Number:  (814) 926-4429

Sunday Morning Worship
8:15 a.m. First Worship Service
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Second Worship Service

7:00 p.m.  Midweek Services @ FC on Wednesday