A way to go deeper…Sunday School
Sunday School is a time for people to meet in smaller groups and dive deeper into the Word of God. It begins at 9:30 a.m. Check out the information below to learn more about our Sunday School classes.

High School
Children & Youth
We have wonderful classes for children from toddlers through youth. The high school class (grades 9-12) meets upstairs in room #205. The rest of the classes meet downstairs and are grouped according to age. This is a wonderful place to teach the next generation the fundamentals of our Christian faith.
Adults can choose from any one of the following classes:

Christian Crusaders
Christian Crusaders
Our class consists of young to middle-aged adults who gather upstairs in room #204 in order to increase our Biblical knowledge and learn how to live better lives for Jesus Christ. We often use DVD curriculum that incorporates a Bible study with discussions. Sometimes we just study a book of the Bible. We have a few class activities throughout the year and have fun in our fellowship together.

Christian Fellowship
Christian Fellowship
We are a group of seasoned adults who meet in the smaller classroom directly across from the overflow room on the main floor. We are blessed with wonderful teachers who guide our class using the Standard Lesson Quarterly.

Joy Bible Class
Joy Bible Class
We meet upstairs in room #208. We have four different, yet wonderful teachers who lead the class using the International Sunday School Lessons. You may join in discussions or just listen and absorb the lesson. At the beginning of each session we share prayer needs, joys and items of thanks, knowing there is great power in prayer. Several class activities are sprinkled throughout the year…some for service, some for fellowship and fun.

New Beginnings
New Beginnings
We are a group of young, passionate Christians who together seek our purpose individually and as Christians. You’ll enjoy a cup of coffee, fellowship, and occasional breakfast foods in our casual, cozy room, located upstairs in room #201. DVD curriculum and participant study guides are used to help build our faith.

Pairs & Spares
Pairs & Spares
We used to be the young couples’ and singles’ class; time has marched on! Our teacher leads us as we seek to become more like Jesus in the time and place in history He has us. This class uses books dealing with discipleship issues in our culture. Examples include God Speaks Your Love Language by Dr. Gary Chapman. We meet upstairs in room #203.

Truth Seekers
Truth Seekers
Our class studies are on Bible-based topics, characters, and events for the purpose of seeking knowledge of God’s Word and learning how to apply our Christian faith in our everyday lives. Enthusiastic discussions are a central part of each lesson. We meet in the library on the main floor. (Whispering is not necessary!)