Sunday Bulletin

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February 9, 2025

119 Humbert Road
Markleton, PA 15551

February 8, 2025

The Words of Welcome
Items in the Life of the Church
The Prelude
The Call to Worship                                                        #692

“Wonderful Words of Life”

* The Opening Hymn                                                      #687

“Standing on the Promises”

* The Prayer of Invocation
The Ministry of Music
The Morning Offering and Church Projects Offering
* The Doxology
* The Offertory Prayer
* The Expression of Friendship
The Sharing of Joys and Concerns
* The Prayer Hymn                                                           #473

“I Am Thine, O Lord”
Verses 3 & 4

* The Time of Prayer
The Scripture Lesson                                            2 Timothy 2:14-17

   The Morning Message

“Actions of a Healthy Disciple”

* The Closing Hymn                                                         #498

“More About Jesus”

* The Benediction and Postlude
* Please stand, if you are able.

Our Staff  
Will Miller – Senior Pastor    (814-926-4428)
James L. Monticue – Visitation Pastor  (814-233-6076)
Karey Vough – Youth Y/A Pastor     (814-969-2817)
Carey Beth King – Secretary    (814-233-0053)

Our Thanks to the following for their services today

Downstairs Nursery: Beth Miller and Katie Snyder

Sunday, February 9, 2025
No Youth Group

Monday, February 10, 2025 
8:00 a.m. – Walk Fit Exercise
6:00 p.m. – Elders Meeting
7:00 p.m. – Council Meeting

Tuesday, February 11, 2025
12:30 p.m. – Pickleball

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
7:00 p.m. – Midweek Services at FC   

Friday, February 14, 2025
8:00 a.m. – Walk Fit Exercise

Sunday, February 16, 2025
6:00 p.m. – Young Adults Hangout at Dunkin Donuts

Monday, February 17, 2025 
8:00 a.m. – Walk Fit Exercise
7:00 p.m. – Wild Game Dinner Committee Meeting

Offerings needed weekly to balance our budget… $6,253.85
Offerings received last Sunday…………. $9,344.23
Last Sunday’s Attendance……………….. 144

March 9, 2025 – Annual Planning Committee Meeting after 10:30 worship service.

The Helping Hands Ministry encourages you to send some “sunshine” (i.e., a card) to let them know that we are thinking of them and are keeping them in our prayers.

Becky Queer
c/o Goodwill Mennonite Home
891 Dorsey Hotel Rd.
Grantsville, MD  21536

Sis Wright
c/o Goodwill Mennonite Home
891 Dorsey Hotel Rd.
Grantsville, MD  21536

Council Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. during the winter months – when the time changes it will be held at 7:30 p.m. (Summer months).

The Elders will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 10th to discuss the resumes received for the Children’s Ministry Coordinator position.   Any member of the Children’s Ministry Committee is welcome to attend this meeting.

Wild Game Dinner Committee Meeting – Monday, February 17, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., in the Church Library.

Door prize donations are needed for the Wild Game Dinner – if you would be willing to make a donation – please give it to Jeff Peck or Nick Faidley.

ANNUAL WILD GAME DINNER – Saturday March 15, 2025, at the Fellowship Center – Doors open at 4:00 p.m. – Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.

WILD GAME DINNER TICKETS are available today from Brad Pletcher, Jeff Peck or Nick Faidley.  Tickets are free but you need a ticket to attend.

There is a container for money gifts for Amber (Peck) Johnson during her cancer journey in the vestibule.  Please make checks payable to Kingwood Church of God.

This month the youth group will be collecting bottles of laundry detergent for the Rockwood Area School District Student Resource Room. For those who do not know, there is a washer and dryer on site at the school. This allows students to have access to clean clothing and for donated items to be washed before students receive them. Detergent can be any size or brand but would ask that it is fragrance free so any student can use it. There will be a marked box near the coat rack for detergent donations. Thank you for supporting the students in our local community!

Piano players are needed for Jr. Church.  If you would be willing to help, please contact Cheryl Pletcher.

Are you looking for a way to help out with our young ones in church? We are looking for 5 couples to be ministry partners for the Jr. Church opening. As a couple, you would lead them in songs, and give a short introductory lesson, for example an object lesson. This all should last between 20 and 30 minutes. Then you would be able to come up for the adult worship service. If we are able to get 5 more couples, you would only be responsible for 2 months out of the year. And the older children, starting in January, will only be in Jr. Church the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks. So, this will only be 3 weeks out of the month. Your months can be consecutive or spaced out. If this ministry speaks to you, there is a sign up sheet in the vestibule. If you have any questions, see Larry or Melissa Vough.

There is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule for anyone who is willing to assist in the Jr. Church PreK/Kindergarten class. The responsibilities would include crowd control, assisting children in the classroom, and taking children to the restroom.

It’s time again for Gifts of Love for our college students and military. Snack items, Valentine cards, etc. can be placed in the container in the vestibule. There is a sheet with names and addresses which needs to be updated. Please delete any who are no longer in school or the military and add other relatives, friends, or neighbors.

The Super Seniors breakfast will be held at Eat n Park on March 13th, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. This is our annual meeting to announce all the activities for the year. We also would like for you to come with some ideas that you would like to see the group do in the coming years. This is always a great time to get together for some fellowship and of course—Food!! There is a signup sheet on the table in the vestibule. Deadline to sign up is March 9th. Hope to see you there!

A committee is being formed to make a new church directory.  If you have an interest in helping this committee – please contact Renee Moore.

A new church directory is being planned for this spring. Please start looking for any pictures you may have of Sunday School or church activities. There will also be a paper in the vestibule for you to sign your name, address, any phone numbers and e mails you would like to have included in the directory. Thank you.

Final Navajo Mission Trip Fundraiser
There is a Christmas Tree in the vestibule with “Ornaments” on it. Each item is something we need for the Homeless Bags we are making and the 2 days of VBS at the Gamerco and Hooghan Church. Please take an ornament (or more!) and place it with the money into an envelope and give to Cheryl.

All checks should be made out to the Kingwood COG.
Thank you for your amazing support!

Contact Heather Houghton


Actions of a Healthy Disciple
February 9, 2025

2 Tim 2:14-17 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Other Scriptures: Ps. 119: 1,11, 33, 105, 1 Chron. 25:8, Is. 8:16, 50:4, 54:13, 1 Sam. 19:20-24, Ezra 6:6,11, 7:9-10


Where are you on a sale of 1-10 for reading and studying your Bible daily? 1 being I don’t to 10 being I am there every day.

Where are you 1-10 in obeying what you hear God say in scripture?

What do you hear God saying about this?

Regardless of where you are now on tat 1-10 scale, how will you move the needle more toward 10?


  • There is an unstaffed nursery for babies located on the same floor as the sanctuary that may be used at any time.
  • There is an unstaffed nursery for children up through the age of 3 located downstairs in room 1.
  • Both nurseries have a closed-circuit TV through which you can watch the worship service.

Jr. Church (10:30 Morning Worship Service) 

  • We offer a Jr. Church program during the entire 10:30 Morning Worship Service downstairs in the social room for children age 3 up to and including 6th grade.

Sunday School (9:30)

  •  We have classes for children (beginning when they are old enough to walk), youth, and adults. If your child is not old enough to walk, feel free to take him/her with you to your class. For more info, please see either the Sunday School brochure or the Welcome Packet. They are located in the pew rack and on a table in the hallway.

Want to know more about our church?

  •  There are folders with more info about our church in the racks of each pew and on a table in the hallway. Please take one home with you and check it out.