5957 Kingwood Road, Markleton, PA 15551
(Located on Route 281, just 1.4 miles south of the church.)
The Fellowship Center, formerly the Kingwood Elementary School, was acquired by the Kingwood Church of God in 2014. It has a multi-purpose room with a stage, a kitchen, and 10 classrooms.
Currently, the Adult Bible Study, Youth Group, and Children’s Program meet here on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. (The Children’s Program meets here on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. when school is out for summer vacation.)
There are many activities that take place at the Fellowship Center throughout the week! Check out the Fellowship Center Reservation Calendar on this website, our Facebook page, or our bulletin for info on when activities are taking place. If you would like to use the Fellowship Center, please download the reservation form on this website or on our Facebook page. You can also pick up a copy at the church. If you have any questions about using the Fellowship Center, contact Terry Ream, Fellowship Center Coordinator, at (814) 926-2356 or reamteam@zoominternet.net.
Fellowship Center Reservation Calendar
NOTE: The calendar shows the APPROVED reservations for the Fellowship Center ONLY.
Click on the event to show what part of the facility is reserved.
Click on the link below to print an application (Click on the back arrow at the top left of your screen to return to the Fellowship Center Page or menu if you view or print the reservation form).
Fellowship Center Application and Reservation form Nov. 10, 2024
Click on the link below to take a tour of the Fellowship Center on FaceBook.
The Fellowship Center Tour
Click on the back arrow at the top, left of your screen to return to this screen.
Or Take a Tour by clicking on the link below that will prompt you for permission to access your media player.
Fellowship Center Tour